Wednesday 11th March 2020

Working From Home through Coronavirus?

How can we help?

If it is essential to self-isolate during the COVID-19 outbreak, we can provide a range of solutions to reduce the impact to your business and staff safe.

There are currently more than 94,000 cases of COVID-19 worldwide and as of this week, the number of reported coronavirus cases in the UK is steadily increasing.

As new cases of the Coronavirus emerge, many people and businesses are starting to consider contingency plans. Many organisations are encouraging employees around the world to work from home until further notice.

We can help you with the following;

Diverting Calls
Diverting inbound numbers to mobile phones to enable a smooth transition from your office to home with no issues.

Greeting Message
You can record announcements on your inbound numbers informing your customers of pertinent information when they call.

Take desk phone home
We also offer the option for you to be able to take your desk phone home (subject to home broadband connection).

If you’re anxious about how COVID-19 might impact your business, call today on 01633 481 424 or email